After an amazing Holiday season, we experienced even more great services. Over the last two months we made some great friends serving in Galveston, Texas and Hamshire Texas. We also spent weekend services with great friends in Cleburne, Texas and Holiday Island, Arkansas. It was at Holiday Island on Easter Sunday that all of us found ourselves amazed by an incredible young lady. It was captured in the video entitled “Marlie”. If you haven’t seen this one, give it a look. It is guaranteed to touch your heart.

Open the eyes of my heart…

I am looking forward to a great Mother’s day celebration tomorrow (the day before Mother’s Day). On Sunday, right after church, we head out on a brand new adventure we are calling WEST BY NORTHWEST.

We begin in Palm Springs, CA with another national conference where we have the honor to minister once again to moms who have lost children. This conference, however, is extra special for us. Shaunda will have her first opportunity to speak! She and I are hosting a breakout entitled SAME, but different. We will share how differently moms and dads tend to process grief. We hope to offer some unifying solutions for different personalities to cope with the same tragedy. I’ve got to admit, I’m excited about this one! We then make stops in Oregon and Wyoming to tell Matt’s story. We finish up in West Texas with our great friends at Ashmore. Remember them? Click back through a few posts and re-read ONE CRAPPY DAY. That will bring a smile to your face for sure!

THANK YOU… As we head out, I must say “thank you” once again to all who have made this upcoming adventure possible. North Carolina folks? Remember the time last year that we spent together, your prayers and your generous gifts? How about it Pastor? Remember when you said the Lord laid a dollar figure on your heart and you called me right after the evening service? You sent us another offering even after we left. This is why we can go.

How about our faithful supporting churches from Akron, Ohio to Campbell, Texas? How about the individuals and ministries who support this ministry regularly or with special offerings? What about the churches that have chosen MISSIONVIDEO for their technical needs full well knowing that any profit from the endeavor went 100% into KSM just for this purpose. This is why we can go.

This is a moment of appreciation for your individual prayers, and for your collective prayers. I remember when your churches paused at the close of the services and laid hands on us asking for God’s protection and blessing. For everyone who has chosen to remember what we do: Thank you. You are why we can go.

So to all of you who have whispered our names in your prayers or exchanged a financial gift for a book or a CD, yes to ALL of you: You will be the prayer of gratitude on our lips as Shaunda and I join hands and pray right before we head out… like we always do. Honestly, selling most everything we had and heading out on this Journey of a Lifetime was not my biggest concern. Trading our home with a concrete slab for one with two axles and four tires is not my biggest worry. “What is your biggest fear” you ask? I fear one day stepping on a church platform to share the grace of God through Matt’s story only to discover that the power of God no longer rests on my shoulder.

And that is why I continually ask you to pray. Only Christ can make a genuine difference in the lives of people. That is why we say “thank you”. That is why we need you all so much. And can you only imagine with might be just ahead? Watch closely, so much is happening right now! But as we head out on the highway once again to get down to the business of what we are called to do, please be assured of this:

You will be the…

Don’t really understand what MISSIONVIDEO does? Check it out…
AND HERE IT IS! Joe’s new CD, the first in a series of four collections in the WORSHIP PROJECT series. The CD is now ready to ship or is available for immediate download! This first installment is entitled HYMNS Volume 1, and includes many favorites including LEANING ON THE ARMS, VICTORY IN JESUS, WHAT A FRIEND, I’LL FLY AWAY REDEEMED, STANDING ON THE PROMISES and four more.

This CD is available for an offering of any amount to KNIGHTSsong Ministries. Go to my website HERE, send me an email, and we’ll ship it to you as soon as we can. This collection also available via download with the appropriate code.

Or better yet, send me an email and let me know that you too are praying for us, and I’ll send you the code ABSOLUTELY FREE! It’s just another way for us to say “Thank you” for your prayers!